About us
In einer gynäkologischen Praxis muss neben einer zeitgemäßen medizinischen Versorgung vor allem auch die Atmosphäre stimmen! Das gelingt nur, wenn auch im Praxisteam ein gutes Miteinander gelebt wird. Im Übrigen haben wir als Team zusammen 15 Kinder, 3 Bonuskinder und bisher 4 Enkel.
Dr. med. Elisabeth Sowa
Born in Freiberg in 1982, grew up in Leipzig
Studied medicine in Leipzig, state examination in 2009, doctorate in 2013, gynaecology specialist since 2018
What Dr. Sowa particularly appreciates about her work is the relationship-building and exchange with women of all ages and from the most diverse backgrounds. She likes to be the "detective" who gets to the bottom of the causes of complaints, enjoys explaining and advising and is happy when her patients feel understood. She loves joint decision-making at eye level just as much as the manual medical "craft" and modern technical equipment. Friendliness, impartiality and openness are important to her. Dr. Sowa is a dancer, feminist, wife and mum of two children as well as "stepmum" of a bonus daughter. If the day had 48 hours, she would probably pursue 100 other interests ...
Sylvia Kutschke
Medical Assistant
Born in 1966 in Zittau, grew up in Leipzig
Medical assistant in gynaecology since 1992
Sylvia Kutschke likes all patients, young and old, with or without problems. She finds it exciting that every day in the practice is different and the work is therefore always varied. As a long-standing complement to her favourite colleague and "soul sister" Ulrike Ludwig, she likes to take over the work on the computer. But she is also a compassionate listener, a contagious optimist and has a lot of understanding for the worries and needs of her fellow human beings. As a family person, mother of three children, grandmother of three grandchildren (so far), as well as early and late mother, she can empathise with many things very well. When spring comes, Sylvia rides her bike to work ...
Ulrike Ludwig
Medical Assistant
Born in Leipzig in 1967 and grew up there
Paediatric nurse since 1987, medical assistant in gynaecology since 1992
Ulrike Ludwig loves the variety and diversity of her patients and the multifaceted work that goes with it. She appreciates the contact with women from all social backgrounds and is pleased that many of the patients in the gynaecology practice are healthy. She really enjoys working with her favourite colleague and "twin sister" Sylvia Kutschke, who has been with her for many years. When taking blood samples in the laboratory, Ulrike Ludwig likes to take on the role of the capable "vampire". In personal contact, she values humour and sociability, confidence, empathy, honesty and integrity. Ulrike Ludwig is mum to four children and is already eagerly awaiting her first grandchildren...
Marina Gerlitz-Pauly
Born in 1986 in Omsk (Russia), in Leipzig since the age of 12
Midwife since 2009
For Marina Gerlitz-Pauly, being a midwife is very fulfilling and never boring. She feels it is a privilege to be able to accompany women and parents-to-be with their unique stories during a particularly intensive phase of their lives for part of the way. Whether pregnancy care, acupuncture treatment, birth preparation, the first exciting weeks after birth, the breastfeeding period, postnatal gymnastics, yoga, baby massage classes or introducing the first baby food - her heart is in it and she loves variety. With ease, helpfulness and a lot of sensitivity, she tries to encourage the women in their natural intuition. "Every mum is the best mum for HER child", she says as a mum of four from conviction and experience. To compensate, she likes to read or philosophise about life while cooking with her husband and friends...
Dr. med. Sarah Ahlschwede
1986 in Hannover geboren und aufgewachsen
Medizinstudium in Leipzig, Staatsexamen 2016, Promotion 2016, Fachärztin seit 2024
Dr. Ahlschwede hat große Freude an der Arbeit in der ambulanten Praxis und bringt ihre vielfältigen Erfahrungen in diesem Bereich gern mit in die Praxis ein. Im Kontakt mit Patientinnen und Patienten liegt ihr, wie auch privat, ein offenes und freundliches Miteinander ohne vorschnelle Beurteilung anderer Menschen am Herzen. Ihre Patientinnen sollen sich in den unterschiedlichen Rollen, die sie als Frauen in der heutigen Zeit in Partnerschaft, Beruf, Elternschaft, und vielen weiteren Bereichen ausfüllen, gesehen und verstanden fühlen. Dr. Ahlschwede ist selbst Mama zweier Schulkinder und wenn es die Zeit erlaubt, nutzt sie ihre handwerklichen Talente beim Bauen und Basteln oder bei der Renovierung des familieneigenen Wohnwagens. Das passt gut zu ihrem Frauenbild, nachdem jedes Mädchen auch Handwerkerin, Pilotin oder Feuerwehrfrau werden kann. Oder natürlich Ärztin…
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What is
important to us
Climate protection is health protection and concerns us all. For our future well-being and the well-being of our children and grandchildren, it is necessary to stop climate change now. As a practice, we therefore try to make our contribution by working in a way that is as resource-friendly and low-emission as possible. The limited range of climate-friendly medical products available so far does not always make this easy, and important hygiene standards must of course be adhered to. However, the practice is supplied with green electricity, the hosting of the website is climate-positive and the practice owner travels to work almost exclusively by bicycle.
If you as a patient bring your own towel, additional consumables can be saved. And if you come to us by bike, if you can, you are protecting the environment and promoting your health at the same time.